We have different investment levels to suit the appetite of your franchise ambition

Investment starts at £30,000 + VAT and £150,000 + VAT

*Subject to size, shape, design and complexity of Macro build


We have 3 formats that you can choose:


Typically 400 SqFt, ideal for high street locations, natural gas, 3 phase electric - Offers 100% of the full menu

Our units are specifically designed for urban, and busy environments. This format is ideal for areas with high footfall and ideally suited for upwardly mobile, tech-savvy, brand oriented, on trend people; as well as aspiring families, business people and, shoppers,

The unit design can be adapted to many spaces, and can take into consideration the the surrounding environment, landlord and consumer expectations and the storytelling desired by the master franchisee.

The MACRO format is contemporary, unmistakable and best example of the overall brand design and offer.


Re-locatable shipping style container 6m x 2.5m, LPG & 63amp single phase power, tanked water & waste - Offers 100% of the full menu

  • Major traffic-hubs
  • Central metropolitan areas
  • Business areas
  • Recreation Areas
  • Tourist Hot Spots
  • Suburban Areas


A 3.2m towable and re-locatable trailer. Highly flexible ideal for Events, LPG, 32amp singe phase power*tanked water & waste - Offers 50% of the full menu

  • Major traffic-hubs
  • High Street
  • Central metropolitan areas
  • Business areas
  • Recreation areas
  • Tourist hot spots
  • Suburban areas

*Can work with 7/8kw 32amp generator


A 2.2m towable and re-locatable trailer. Highly flexible, ideal for Events. LPG, 32amp single phase power* tanked water & waste - Offers 25% of the full menu

  • Major traffic-hubs
  • High Street
  • Central metropolitan areas
  • Business areas
  • Recreation areas
  • Tourist hot spots
  • Suburban areas

*Can work with 7/8kw 32amp generator


The simplest version of Extrawurst. The Micro bike is a simple basic counter/grill system, LPG and Battery Powered, tanked water & waste - Offers 10% of the full menu

  • Private events
  • Recreation areas
  • Tourist hot spots
  • Corporate events
  • designed to be operated by a single person


So you can be a success!

Together with you we want to shape the future of Extrawurst. And for that we do everything we can! We invest our full energy for you in:


Simply. Returns.

Set Up Fee & royalty

To use our brand name and franchsie system, the set up fee is £15,000

This willl cover:
5 Year term, auto renew if achieving KPI’s (7+ if Macro Investment)
Our costs to recruit and build the franchsie network
Access to brand “Know How and Systems”
Access to genuine “Authentic” German product
A specific territory, controlled and protectd by post code sector
Design of your Extrawurst Format
Sub Franchsiee training (Excluding travel & accommodation)
Project plan to incoude “On Boardind” and “Grand Opening Plan”

Royalty fee is 8% of NET sales (Exclusive of VAT)*
This includes 1% paid into a central marketing pot

*Royalty to cover product and service development, national marketing, quality control and financial monitoring


The range of formats available to you start from

Micro Bike £10,000 + VAT

Midi P – £21,000 + VAT
Midi T – £33,500 + VAT
Midi 20 – £75,000 + VAT

From £120,000 + VAT*
*Typical 400 SqFt, Assumed white box ready (inc services), and no associated property acquisition costs

Working Capital

You will need to demonstarte that you have working capital so that you can facilitate, pay and cover:

  • Hiring the team and payroll responsibilities
  • Occupational costs
  • Utilities
  • Supply chain
  • Other system costs EG
  • Till/POS licences
  • Franchise royalty fee


  • Dedicated UK national food & packaging supply chains 
  • Prefferred Equipment supplier 
  • Small Ware & Uniform Supplier 
  • Preffreed Contractor/Shop Fitters 
  • End to end till & reporting solution 
  • Loyalty App 
  • Trail; Robust digital operational systems, HACCAP and Safety & routine ongoing quality audit/operational checks
  • Pest Control 
  • Communications & MGM tool  for Sub Franchisee’s 
  • Digital screen & audio solution & content 
  • National Delivery relationship in place 
  • Dedicated UK website
  • Dedicated UK social media channels
  • On going brand, product, promotional  and marketing support
  • Branded partnerships in place – Rounton Coffee, Coca Cola, Heinz
  • British Franchise Association (BFA) “UK Developer” member/accreditation


As part of your relationship with Extrawurst, what we can offer additional support and services with our prefferred partners. These are all chargeable and it would be a direc relationship with those partners and with preferential rates.

Some of the services are:

  • Property search or list of available options “Ready to go”
  • Legal services
  • Project management services
  • Contractor services
  • Insurance services
  • Food &/or Health safety services
  • PR, social & launch support services
  • Digital print & design services



This assumes:

  • Property is white box ready (inc appropriate utility services)
  • Proprty aquisition costs are not included
  • Project management or local authotirty costs are not included
  • Sales based on an average £7,000 net of VAT per week
  • High street, busy, high footfall location
  • Managed labour model

Based on 400 Sq Ft Macro

Estimated Average Net Sales – £364,000 Per Year*

Total Investment – From £150,000

Cost of Sales 32%
Labour 24%
Occupancy 15%
Other Expenses 8.5%
Royalty 7.0%
Marketing 1.0%
(before tax)
*The figures set forth in these illustrations indicate the gross profit margins and revenue expenses at stated turnover levels which have been experienced by Extrawurst International in its own operations, or the franchisees operations. These figures are “on average” in the last profit and loss accounts period, prepared and certified by auditors which have been supplied to the Franchisor. There is no guarantee that you will achieve the same results, nor is it intended that you should rely on them as a warranty or guarantee of what you will achieve



Midi 20

This assumes:

  • Location is utility service ready EG Power Supply
  • Property aquisition costs are not included
  • Project management or local authotirty costs are not included
  • Sales based on an average £5,250 net of VAT per week
  • Situated on a Retail park or busy high footfall location
  • Part owner operated labour model


Based on 6 x 2.5m midi 20

Estimated Average Net Sales – £275,000 Per Year*
Total Investment – £105,000
Cost of Sales 32%
Labour 18%
Occupancy 10%
Other Expenses 8.5%
Royalty 7.0%
Marketing 1.0%
(before tax)
*The figures set forth in these illustrations indicate the gross profit margins and revenue expenses at stated turnover levels which have been experienced by Extrawurst International in its own operations, or the franchisees operations. These figures are “on average” in the last profit and loss accounts period, prepared and certified by auditors which have been supplied to the Franchisor. There is no guarantee that you will achieve the same results, nor is it intended that you should rely on them as a warranty or guarantee of what you will achieve



Midi T

This assumes:

  • Owner operated, with peak trading support
  • Regular pitch
  • Trading minimum 5 days
  • High street pricing
  • Lower ATV due to reduce menu
  • Location is service ready EG. Power Supply or generator
  • Sales based on an average £2,500 net of VAT per week

Based on 3.2m miDI T

Estimated Average Net Sales – £130,000 Per Year*

Total Investment – £53,000

Cost of Sales 32%
Labour 10%
Occupancy 10%
Other Expenses 8.5%
Royalty 7.0%
Marketing 1.0%
(before tax)
*The figures set forth in these illustrations indicate the gross profit margins and revenue expenses at stated turnover levels which have been experienced by Extrawurst International in its own operations, or the franchisees operations. These figures are “on average” in the last profit and loss accounts period, prepared and certified by auditors which have been supplied to the Franchisor. There is no guarantee that you will achieve the same results, nor is it intended that you should rely on them as a warranty or guarantee of what you will achieve



Midi P

This assumes:

  • Owner operated, with peak trading support
  • Regular pitch
  • Trading minimum 5 days
  • High street pricing
  • Lower ATV due to reduce menu
  • Location is service ready EG. Power Supply or generator
  • Sales based on an average £2,000 net of VAT per week

based on 2.2 m miDI P

Estimated Average Net Sales – £100,000 Per Year*
Total Investment – £41,000
Cost of Sales 32%
Labour 10%
Occupancy 10%
Other Expenses 8.5%
Royalty 7.0%
Marketing 1.0%
(before tax)
*The figures set forth in these illustrations indicate the gross profit margins and revenue expenses at stated turnover levels which have been experienced by Extrawurst International in its own operations, or the franchisees operations. These figures are “on average” in the last profit and loss accounts period, prepared and certified by auditors which have been supplied to the Franchisor. There is no guarantee that you will achieve the same results, nor is it intended that you should rely on them as a warranty or guarantee of what you will achieve



Micro Bike

This assumes:

  • Owner operated, therefore single person operation
  • Used for Pre paid private or corporate events
  • Trading 2 events per week, 40 weeks per year
  • Fixed higher event pricing, typically £8-£10 per Head + VAT
  • Sales based on an average £2,000 net of VAT
  • Minimum 50-100 people per event

based on “Basic” micro Bike

Estimated Average Net Sales – £80,000 Per Year*

Total Investment – £30,000

*Cost of Sales 25%
Labour 0%
Occupancy 0%
Other Expenses 8.5%
Royalty 7.0%
Marketing 1.0%
(before tax)
*start cost of good margin better due to increased sales price due to fixed event pricing
**The figures set forth in these illustrations indicate the gross profit margins and revenue expenses at stated turnover levels which have been experienced by Extrawurst International in its own operations, or the franchisees operations. These figures are “on average” in the last profit and loss accounts period, prepared and certified by auditors which have been supplied to the Franchisor. There is no guarantee that you will achieve the same results, nor is it intended that you should rely on them as a warranty or guarantee of what you will achieve



The figures set forth in these illustrations indicate the gross profit margins and revenue expenses at stated turnover levels which have been experienced by Extrawurst International in its own operations, or the franchisees operations. These figures are “on average” in the last profit and loss accounts period, prepared and certified by auditors which have been supplied to the Franchisor. There is no guarantee that you will achieve the same results, nor is it intended that you should rely on them as a warranty or guarantee of what you will achieve