10 STEPS...

Towards your very own Extrawurst

Register Interest
You are here. So well done! Step 1 Done
Our 40 years of experience speak for themselves, Since the company was founded in 1981 we have taken all our knowledge and experience to offer an honest, down to earth and robust snack system, We openly share our “Know How” with our franchise partners, for their joy, success and growth of the Extrawurst brand.
Information Pack
Have a sneak peak whilst you wait for your physical pack
Thanks for registering with us. We can now send you some more specific detail on the opportunity to become part of the Extrawurst family so you have time to digest and consider before...
Introductory Meeting
Our Franchise Team awaits you with a smile
It’s good to talk. We can be flexible at this stage on how we meet and this can be either in person (at a location that is practical for all) or virtually. At this meeting we can give you a more in depth overview of the brand and offer and answer any questions that you may have. Before we talk, we ask all our potential farnchise partners to complete and sign a simple “Non Disclosure Agreement”. If you like what you hear then...
Practical Site Visit
Get stuck into everything Extrawurst
Meeting on site is essentail and you have to touch, taste and feel the Extrawusrt brand to apprecaite it. Their is no better way to do this than to visit one of our stores, get behind the counter and experience the product, systems and operation first hand. It’s also a great opportunity for us to see how you engage with our amazing brand. If you think Extrawurst could be for you then...
Interview & Agreement of Intent
The start of your journey with us
We can sit down and talk in deatil to really understand why you think it is for you, why you want to do it, how you can make it happen, where and when you are thinking, We can can also make sure that you are right for our brand and that we want to be in partnership with you. It’s a time for questions, honest answers and if we are all aligned, an “Agreement of intent” to how we are going to work together. What about the where...
Location search support
Different locations. Different Solutions
By this stage we will already have discussed with you on the “where” and if this territory will work for us along side any existing franchise partners. Location is key! Does it have that something extra, is it the right size? We have lots of experience and know all about this. Extrawurst can review a potential site for suitability that you have in mind, we could also share with you potential exsiting opportunities* in a specific territory and we could also loaction search on your behalf*. How do you know if the location will work...
*Additional fee’s will be applicable
Financial modelling overview
Let’s talk numbers
As a business we have a example models of how a typical Extrawurst should work, depending on the format option you are looking at. Your Extrawurst will be your business and its really important that you work through, own and belive in your own numbers. Based on our experience, we can guide, review and sense check these, but they have to be your numbers, as you will be delivering them...
Franchise Agreement
REviewed by the bfa...
Our frachise agreement is a fair, robust and considered standardised document specific to our Extrawurst brand and has been reviewed by the British Franchise Association (BFA).

Once you are decided on the franchise opportunity with Extrawurst, we are decided on you, the location and territory is agreed, your financial modelling works and you have the investement; then the completion of the standardised franchise agreement is a straightforward process.

Once the agreement is signed and we have a time line to your first opening, then it’s all about the...
Training is as important for you as a franchise partner as much as it will be for your team. Your training will be a combination of in store practical hands on training as well as online learning, plus you will have access to our “Know How” on our Hyperspace system. This training and “Know How” will be market specific.

We will be support you through the setup phase with a time plan, guidance and regular structured meetings. Once you are ready to open, we can be onsite to support and train your team ready for being...
Open for business
we will support you to be ready
It’s important to get as good as start as you possibly can and prior to opening we can help you plan and coach,, as well as guiding and supporting you with:

  • Training (operational and administrativley)
  • Setup with all our supply chain partners
  • Procurement and purchase of standard Extrawurst brand requirements (equipment, POS/till system, media screens)
  • Opening plan to launch in your territory
  • Onsite opening support pre and post opening

  • As well as this we can offer additional support services:

  • Project & construction management (inc any loacl authority permissions)
  • Food safety guidance, EHO registration, and specific legal training
  • Introduction to preffered shop fit contractors
  • Enhanced PR & Social activity to support your go live
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